Additional Material Amateur Gemstone Faceting

Figure 6-21 Examine your gem rough from all angles, and try to project the gem design inside the stone.

Figure 10-15 Scaling the crown using the tangent ratio. Each vertex moves up or down (see arrows), but does not shift along the other two dimensions.

Figure 11-9 The angle of incidence and refraction for two media of refractive index n1 and n2. Note that the angles are measured with respect to the perpendicular to the surface. Yes, this is the same drawing as Figure 10-7. To make it up to you, this one is in 3D! (and this version a wigglegram). Section 11.9 explains 3D imagery and can help if you have difficulty.

Figure 11-27 My wigglegram version of René Magritte's 1964 masterpiece, The Son of Man. The brain can extract three-dimensional information from a scene by correctly overlapping the right-eye and left-eye views. Chapter 11.9 explains how our brains and eyes work together to help us appreciate the world around us, especially gemstones!

Figure 12-40 Typical crystal form of topaz and the dominant basal cleavage plane. See Chapter 12.11.1 for more.

Figure 16-22 A tablet-type design can highlight the colour of saturated gem material. Yes, this is another one of those annoying 3D drawings. See Chapter 19.2.3 for a real-world design.

Site Manager: Tom Herbst

Last Updated:

26 October 2014